Saturday, November 28, 2009


A lovely family stopped into the shop last Saturday....and this is the result. Thanks to Kate and her lively blog for the rave review.  www.4squarewalls.com

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

aren't they beautiful?

Years ago I bought a big jarful of mis-matched wooden knitting needles at Building 19. They were no doubt from an old yarn shop, closed after many years. Some of the needles bear traces of having had work left on them in the sunlight for a LONG time. Building 19 is a much-loved institution in the R.I/Ma./N.H. area. It's a filthy clutter of job-lot junk where one can find the occasional gem, like these needles. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

first friday NOVEMBER

The paintings of LYNN KRAUSS be on display tonight at Corey&Co. The dot is the vehicle Lynn has used to explore color contrast both in high contrast and very close value and hue. She embeds patterns within multiple color fields, constantly deciding how much to reveal and how much to hide. I am thrilled to be showing this work here at the shop/studio/gallery. In person, the paintings really sing. 'Should be a great evening.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

tools of the trade

One corner of COREY&CO. is the studio/workshop. Chalkboard, cutting table, patterns, fabric, iron, sewing machine, serger, laptop.....ready to start the day.