'Had a fun visit from Portland photographer Winky Lewis last week. She loved the shop and I love her images. Here is an eyeful of Corey&Co. Double it and triple it to catch the details ....see more through her magical lens at www.winkyphoto.com.
A few days on the island of Vinalhaven, Maine have cleared my brain of the sticky cobwebs of daily life and let some new ideas breeze in. I had put my fabric-printing plans on the shelf, but everything my eye took in seemed to suggest pattern.
The trip began with a stroll through Portland's Saturday farmers' market before heading south to New York. It ended with a forage through the wool and cashmere aisles at Mood Fabrics...as savory to me as any row of radishes.
This is the time of year to put down the linen and start picking up the fall fabrics. It's a hard transition in this heat. So I had a last fling with the lighter weights and produced some whimsical dresses. What better adieu than picnic check?
This week I have been sewing waists. Usually I tend toward the blocky and the smocky . In a small shop it is wise to have things that fit a wider spectrum of people... and I personally like to wear voluminous clothing, especially in the steamy summer.But after I did one drawstring, I could not stop. Here are some samples. ...and I am not done yet.