Friday, December 28, 2012

that time of year

Okay, we had a little snow. But the streets are passable, the sidewalks clear...so please pop in and see all the wonderful choices now on sale ! My own COREY&CO pieces are a bit in short supply at the moment, so I guess I know who will be tied to the sewing machine for awhile.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

ready ready ready

The elves have done their work. The cookies are in the oven. And it is almost time to make Harriet wear a silly hat again. Thank you to all my many shop visitors for their good cheer . Tomorrow COREY&CO. will be open 'til 3:00. If we haven't seen you yet, stop by tomorrow...the cookies will be there !

Saturday, December 15, 2012

twinkle twinkle

Lights are lit, wreaths are hung and people are out enjoying the walk-about in Portland. My windows are decked with red birds and festive bird lairs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Step away from the cutting table, step away from the sewing machine. Macworth Island fairy villages and mammoth tree roots, Willard Beach pilings, Boston airport sculpture piece, kitchen counter paperwhite roots. Can you tell that I have had a couple of days off?