Monday, March 31, 2014

ett hem

sometimes it's the things that surround you at home that help you create. i prefer home design magazines to fashion rags...sometimes you catch a glimpse of a quirky painting or piece of sculpture in a photo and that's worth the cover price. you make a nest, and i guess you take your succor from it. here are some photos of my 'hem' ( swedish for home).

Saturday, March 22, 2014

silk stripes

This raw silk with "painted on" stripes lent itself easily to coats, long and short.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

new york in february, round 2

Aside from making the rounds of shows for Market Week and spending bucket-loads of money for next fall/winter, I had one additional mission: pick up some soft, supple leather for jacket-making. Just a little, since I was still in experimental-mode. 'Bought these at Paron Fabrics on 39th. 'Took 'em home, sewed 'em up. A change of fabric is a good way to stay interested in making things for me...this leather was like sculpting-add a panel, leave a natural edge, build a piece. The last photo: cute old gent sighting during Eataly wine-break.