Friday, January 31, 2014

bring in the color

I am still sewing my days away in the shop and filling the "wall" with Corey&Co. garments. I love the textures of the different silks and wools seen here, but.....let's face it: the only color is the little yellow ELK bird pin on the grey coat !! Next week- trip to NYC and I will be on a mission to search out yardage of color ! Not pastels, not floral prints, but something out of my grey comfort range.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

still life

Yes, life is pretty 'still' in Maine post-holidays, but that's not what I am referring to. Since I am now dividing my time between shop/sewing and studio/painting....everything looks like a still life to me! Here are some vignettes on this icy Saturday a.m. in Portland. And OH YES...Corey&Co. is having a seriously great SALE !!!!!!!